A review by warder52
Fate of the Fallen by Kel Kade


Officially I'm giving it 3.5 stars. The book did grow on me the further into it I got. Most of the complaints I left in my previous update still stand though. The beginning has a lot of awkwardness and the dialogue feels really weird too.

One of the more annoying things throughout the entire book was pretty early on, when one of our protagonists gains a voice in his head that he can converse with, but apparently only out loud. He spends the whole book having full conversations with this voice that only he can hear, no matter the company or situation he's in. This of course has some interesting consequences at times, but I felt like this was way overused. The kid is 26 years old! You would think that after the first 10-20 times this happens, leaving people around him more and more convinced that he's going crazy, that he would learn to contain himself somewhat, or at least in front of the king!

I will probably just grab a Kindle version of the sequel just to finish the story as I don't see myself re-reading or recommending to others