A review by greenbeanteenqueen
Something Happened by Greg Logsted


I really liked this book for taking on a tough subject and handling it in a great way-it's detailed but not graphic. Billy is in middle school, which ups the ick factor of Miss Gate, but the author does a great job presenting the subject matter that I would have no problem giving this book to a seventh grader.

I also really appreciated that this book was told from a male point of view. The reader is able to get into Billy's mind and understand what it is about Miss Gate that interests him. I liked Billy's letter's to his Dad and thought that added to Billy's character-you understood his grief.

The book did fall a little short for me with the character of Miss Gate. I would have liked some explanation as to why she was preying on Billy-Billy's only thirteen-creepy!! I would have liked to get into her head more and figure out exactly what was going on.

Overall, I think author Greg Logsted did a great job presenting a touchy subject in a readable and relateable way. He gets the reader to think and I think this book could be a great way to start discussions on student/teacher relationships for all ages.