A review by skmcclelland
The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank


I would actually have given this one two and a half stars if permitted, but with the choice between two and three, I rounded down. I read it quickly over a couple of tired days, figuring some good brainless chick lit would get me through an Eliza rough patch. Which it did, yes and no. I found the narrator too passive with no funny to redeem her, so she was just annoying and I wanted to shake her and say, "grow up already!" It's a fine line that authors in this genre have to walk to keep characters from being overly annoying. Bridget Jones, for example, is a total headcase, but she's also totally hysterical so all is forgiven. The narrator in Devil Wears Prada is a self-righteous wench, but she's surrounded by such an interesting cast, that for the most part you can overlook it. I didn't find that with this book. It wasn't funny, nor was there anything redeeming about her or her circumstances. So maybe it isn't really chick lit, but that's how it's classified. Just eh.

And I didn't understand the one section where it wasn't in first person and suddenly our lead character was a footnote in someone else's story. Did I miss something???