A review by jordun9008
The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury


I had really high expectations going into this book, and although I ended up enjoying the book, I don't believe it met the high bar that I unintentionally set.

I really liked the relationships amongst the females in this book. It could have easily been catty, but instead the females were strong and fierce, and they had each other's backs in the end. Plus there is a band of warrior female assassins, or at least that's my interpretation of them.

Now the reasons I didn't love it. I just felt that it dragged for the majority of the book, and I didn't really enjoy it until the last quarter of the book. Also, even though I generally liked the characters, I wasn't invested in them so I really didn't care that much what happened to them.

It is still a really good book, and if you are thinking about reading it then you should do it.