A review by becsa
Wrapped With A Bow by Aubree Lane, Samantha Jacobey, R.E. Hargrave, Holly Barbo, Ella Medler, Teri Riggs, Michele E. Gwynn, Cherime MacFarlane, Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough


The Kissing Ball by Aubree Lane

Wow - what an incredible book!!

Melissa Ellison is 23 years old and a tree trimmer for her father's company Fallen Leaf Tree Trimming Service who handcrafts mistletoe decorations during the holiday season.

Melissa is offered the job opportunity she has always wanted from Cooper Dailey who runs Backyard Basics to make decorations for the Kiss and Tell dance with a huge budget. Melissa and her friend Sara work together to employ autistic adults to help make the decorations. But it's not as easy as she has hoped and she enlists Ryder Moore, whom used to work for her dad's business and had a huge crush on to help her achieve what she has been striving toward.

Unfortunately, Melissa soon finds herself up against more than she has planned for and will she succeed or will all of her goals fall flat?

I loved this book and found I took so much away from it. I learned so much about autism and what the families go through. I loved the interactions between Sara, Melissa and the families and just felt so good after reading the book. I loved discovering more about Ryder and really loved the ending!! What a great book!!

Sugar and Spice by R.E. Hargrave

Lacey Harrison is the proud owner of Sugar & Spice Bakery and is a single mother to Candace, almost 10 years old. Lacey herself was raised by a single father, Shane, and the people out at Royal Hills Nursing Home where her father works.

Trent Childress has just moved to town to take care of his mother after the death of his father. His mother resides up at Royal Hills Nursing Home and has always mentioned Lacey and her wonderful baking. When Trent ends up teaching Candace gym at school, everyone's lives are about to become intertwined.

Can Lacey and Trent put aside their pasts and learn to rely on each other? Will Candace get her special Christmas wish?

I really enjoyed this book and love all of the characters in it. There were such special relationships in the book that I truly loved and how everyone supported each other, and the school. It was definitely a community that I would love to live in myself! The book spans almost a year yet it doesn't feel rushed or that you missed a lot.

Frozen Heart by Ella Medler

Khira is at her Grandma Jill's looking at the Christmas Tree when the tree is attacked by her cat Dodo. Khira spots a special glass ornament and inside she sees a man. Is this the man of her dreams and will Khira give into whatever the man asks of her?

I thought this was a unique story although I must admit I was confused a couple of times with some of the time travelling. I liked the innocence of Khira although her trusting nature seemed to get her into some trouble. I liked the cat Dodo how appeared to follow her wherever she went. There was lots of mystery and I'm not sure if this is really the end of her journey at the end of the book.

A White Cat for Christmas by Cherime MacFarlane

Angelina Brown's daughter Lisa has come for a surprise visit but Lisa gets more than she bargained for when she discovers her mom has moved in with someone named Mike!

This was a really cute story of how two people found love due to a little white cat that Angie attempted to rescue!

I really enjoyed the story and how Angie was desperately trying to save the kitten while initially Mike thought maybe she was after him. I really liked how the kitten brought them together when they needed each other in a sweet way!

Christmas Candy by Samantha Jacobey

Candice Parker's life hasn't been too easy lately. She lives with her mom and her son, Dakota, who has learning difficulties. She has absolutely no interest in dating, especially with someone in what she deems a dangerous profession.

Gary Ford works for the fire department close to where Candice works nights at the Quickie-Mart. He constantly goes in to see her and asks for dates, to which he is constantly turned down.

Yet Gary doesn't give up on Candice, no matter what she throws at him. Will he finally give up or will she see Gary for all that he can give her?

I enjoyed this story and the importance of loving someone for who they are, and not what their job is. Candace was scared to let anyone get close to her which was going to lead her to have a break down without any help. I think women want to do everything as much as we can so we don't look needy but sometimes we need to rely on others, whether it be friends or a spouse.

Sophie's Wish by Michele E. Gwynn

Sophie Fairchild was adopted by Nanette and Charles but it was almost like she was sent from heaven right to them.

Sophie has a habit of helping those less fortunate and when she sees a little boy stealing from church she will do what she can for him. But it turns out it is actually a little girl, Celilia Robillard, and they have more in common than Sophie knew.

This is the first book I have read in this series and I definitely want to go back and read the previous two. This book definitely did not make me feel like I was missing anything and can be read as a stand-alone but I am really curious to see how everything came to be.

I loved the character of Sophie and her honest and good nature towards others. There was lots of mystery in the book and I loved Sophie's "uncles" and want to learn more about them for sure. I really enjoyed Celilia and hope she is able to get the happiness that she truly deserves.

Christmas for Faith by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

Faith Ann Jeffries is only four years old when a policeman, Max Millsen, comes to take her away and Faith knows it is because her dad has hurt her mom so bad that she won't be coming back to her. That night Faith receives a bear from Max and that is the only Christmas present she receives. Faith is then put in with her Grandma and doesn't celebrate Christmas.

Faith becomes a workaholic and is forced to take 6 weeks vacation and quickly meets a friend in her waitress Prudence and her nephew Alek. Will Faith allow herself to open up and trust them or will she close herself off so no one can hurt her again?

I really enjoyed this book and all the issues that it covers. I can't imagine living in a house without Christmas and it is no wonder Faith is so closed off from the world. I liked that Prudence and Alek didn't give up on her and Faith was truly able to see what she has been missing.

True Love Never Dies by Teri Riggs

Samantha Beckman is having a hard time moving on after the death of her husband Nathan three years earlier. Zachariah Simmons, Nate's best friend, and local sheriff is also having a hard time but maybe not for the same reasons.

When it appears that Samantha's life is in danger Zach is there for her and it also appears that a guardian angel has also arrived to help as well. But how well will Samantha deal with the secrets that have been kept from her?

I enjoyed the story and there is a ton of mystery over why people are after Samantha. There was lots of suspense and I was surprised with certain parts for sure!

A Crystal Snowflake by Holly Barbo

Chayse's friend Orion is on his way to her house with some important information when it looks like he is killed along the way. Chayse and her husband Matt must discover where the secret stop code is hidden for a major computer worm that Orion developed that was stolen from his safety deposit box. Only, they aren't the only ones after the code.

I found the book quite entertaining with all the gadgets that Orion created that helped Chayse and Matt with their quest to find the crystal snowflake. They had to be one step ahead of the bad guy with never knowing who the bad guy even was until the end, when they went after Orion's twin, Asha.