A review by chelseak
Paper Girls #9 by Matt Wilson, Cliff Chiang, Brian K. Vaughan


I started reading this series before Stranger Things came out found it mildly interesting but not super engaging, then watched and loved Stranger Things alongside the rest of America, came back to this and found it exactly what I needed to fill the void. They're very distinct from each other, but the kids-on-bikes-in-the-'80s-encountering-the-paranormal thing – I haven't seen a lot of '80s scifi/horror movies, so ST gave me the background I needed to better appreciate PG, I think.

This series gives me the sense of a much richer, more involved, more science fictiony backstory, too – and given the writer, I can't wait to see where he takes it. Art is great, color palette is immersive and the characters' bone structure stays the same from panel to panel (pet peeve I developed after they mercilessly butchered Rat Queens, sigh).