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A review by jessica_
The Only One Left by Riley Sager


I can see a lot of people liking this one. However, that's what made me dislike it, the story felt very safe.

It didn't have the same crazy plot and over the top theatrics that makes a Riley Sager book so fun for me until the very end.

So If you disliked The House Across The Lake or Survive The Night there is a good chance you'll enjoy this one more.

The plot is very slow and despite my love of the Lizzie Borden case the story took very little inspiration from those events... instead it fills it's time with characters I don't care about, one of the most incompetent police detective ever to grace the pages of fiction, before finally giving me the bat-shit crazy plot twist and unhinged ending I expect from one of Riley Sager's stories :)

.... sadly included among the twist was the one I was really hoping wouldn't happen
my biggest plot issues were:

-From the beginning, as soon as I heard there were sisters, I said please don't let one sister be impersonating the other... and guess what happened -.-
-In the beginning I didn't understand why this caretaker was so scared of this 71 year old, nearly completely paralyzed, woman.
-There is no way someone would fake someones death, put an urn up as if they were cremated and then not at least fill it with fake ashes.
-Why did marry even go to Pat for a blood test?
-Why did the father run back into the house, just that scared of facing up to what he did?