A review by krisrid
Prophecy of Three by Ashley McLeo


I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for writing a review.

There is A LOT going on in this book, and I really enjoyed it.

This book has a number of things I enjoy, and a few that wouldn't normally grab me, but everything came together so well and I found myself completely drawn in to the story and excited to see how it was all going to play out.

The story is driven by a unique and interesting combination of history, myth, culture, fantasy and a smidgen of religious history, but it is all in service of the author's creative, entertaining, well-written and well-conceived plot. If you pay attention you will get an education on all these categories, but even if you don't care about any of them, there is an exciting, suspenseful and character-driven plot to draw in a reader.

Speaking of characters, if you like your books peopled with strong women, as I do, then this book is a jackpot full of them. Honesty compels me to say that of the three main characters in this series, Lily [the main focus of this book] probably isn't going to be my very favourite. I like her, and I sympathize with her situation, but she's a bit on the easily led and taken advantage of side in the beginning. Still, Lily absolutely pulls it together when the moment calls for it, and in the end she's a terrific character that is it very easy to like and root for.

I also really liked the pacing in this book. The ebbs and flows of the story take you right from an explanation or a fleshing out of the "why" things are happening the way they are, to a no-holds-barred exciting rush of action and drama. And in all of that there is also a subtle development of the characters and an explanation of who they are becoming based on who they've been before and what they are going through now. There is a lot of growth for these characters throughout the book and it's fun to go along on their journey to a completely new place based on all the new experiences they are having.

This was a great start to what should be a really exciting trilogy! I am looking forward to book 2.