A review by shhchar
The Royal Treatment by Lindsey Leavitt


This book is guarenteed something you've never read before. It's the sequel to 'Princess for Hire' and revolves around an 8th grader who has 'MP'--magic potiental. Desi is part of a top-secret agency that places 'subs' or substitutes in the spot of a princess while the royal jets off for a vacation. Often Desi gets herself into messes, and this book had more emergency-type situations that the first novel, which was truly Desi bumbling around. She's a good-natured girl and easy to read about.

Something nice about this book, was that it had a plot. Admittedly the first book had no plot, it was just Desi managing her life. This one though delves deeper into the mysteries of her princess agency. And her full potiental when it comes to magic. There were some plot twists, but I predicted them all before they came true. It's a cute, and quite fluffy read.

Every character in this book I can say I enjoyed reading about. They all progressed as the book came along, and were all unique and fun. Reed, Kaylee, and Desi's mom were among some of the most enjyoable.

Even though I totally saw the last bit coming, I loved it! Desi really becomes a strong protagonist in this book, and sheds her Twilight Bella-shell.