A review by ssirrah
The Wager by Rachel Van Dyken


I did not read the previous book of this series, so this review will only be about this book. It did well as a standalone but there were a few times I think more details would have helped. This review will contain spoilers, mostly involving what didn't work for me.

What I liked:
Well written
Interesting story
Jake's character development

What I didn't like:
Everyone treated Jake like he was some horrible person who wasn't allowed to change. How can you want someone to change, but not accept when it happens?
Char. I really hope I'm not being hard on the heroine but she and Jake have a not-so-great history. I felt like she put a lot of things on Jake without taking much responsibility for herself. She chose to get drunk the night before she worked in the morning, so her embarrassment at falling off of her chair on camera is on her. Yes, Jake was a jerk, but he doesn't deserve all of the blame.
Grandma was a bit much. Some of what she did was not funny, but I could tell it was supposed to be funny. Her behavior was humiliating and manipulative. This is where the spoiler comes so stop reading now. Who stages for two people to get married without their knowledge or consent? It really cheated Char out of a wedding with the people she loves present. Jake's people were there because the setting was his brother's wedding. Some of the things she had Char and Jake doing were way to over the top and humiliating. She sent them to the pharmacy to get a "gift." She ordered extra small condoms on Jake's name. What was the purpose other than humiliation? It's not a prank war; no one ever tries to get Grandma back.