A review by aoife26935
The Island by M.A. Bennett


This is a very difficult book to review. The idea of it is brilliant; posh private school kids are stranded on an island, and the only one with any survival knowledge is the oppressed bully victim, leading to a reversal of the 'natural' order of things. (Even at that, though, there's never any mention that they should be boiling their drinking water, not even a "I curse the lack of equipment, as boiled water would be much safer" or anything like that. Minor complaint, I know, but still.)

It's an interesting read, and I was never tempted to put it down. Parts of it are difficult to read, though. Link, our 'hero', goes through some ugly phases, and though they're understandable they're still not easy to read. His parents also put me right off near the end. The rest of the characters are mostly ciphers, which is of course the whole point. And the ending of this one wasn't nearly as upsetting as the ending of [b:S.T.A.G.S|35154365|S.T.A.G.S|M.A. Bennett|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1494944813s/35154365.jpg|56480955].

I'll definitely continue reading MA Bennett, and I hope to read many more.

Receiving an ARC did not affect my review in any way.