A review by stephbookshine
Why Mummy Doesn't Give a ****! by Gill Sims


*I received a free ARC of this novel, with thanks to Harper Collins UK and NetGalley. The decision to review and my opinions are my own.*

More relatable parenting fun from the fabulous mum-blogger who gave us Peter and Jane (and Judgy Dog, of course!).

This third time around, Ellen’s adventures are as funny, cringy and instantly recognisable as ever – packed with Sims’ irreverent humour when it comes to the disasters of Mumlife. There are some notable differences too…

Peter and Jane are older now. Ellen’s issues with them revolve less around making sure the Moppets have their PE kit and not nits, and more around stalking Jane’s Instagram for boyfriends and attempting to mask the smell of teenage boy from Peter’s room. There are still hilarious challenges to face, mistakes to be made, and plenty of love and giggles. It’s just that the characters have evolved and said challenges are now different.

Similarly, Ellen and Simon’s relationship has also changed over the course of these books. In many ways, now that the Moppets are older, Ellen’s relationship with her husband and the other adults in her life has gradually slid to the forefront and nudged her parenting battles over a little bit. So this story sees Ellen doing less frantic firefighting of school runs and PTA demands, and more searching for her own happiness and a new role in life.

One thing that never changes is Gill Sims’ witty style that helps to lighten even the more serious and touching moments in the book, and speaks instantly to the hearts of mums who worry that they’re not quite #nailingit and struggling to feel #soblessed.

I would happily follow Ellen’s adventures right through to the challenges of great-grandmotherhood and the horrors of the cliques in the Nursing Home canteen! 😉

‘It’s one little field mouse,’ said Peter, who had pulled the sofa out and was looking at the mouse. ‘It’s sweet, Mum. Can I keep it?’
‘No! You can’t keep the bloody mouse. Anyway, it probably has a family waiting for it to come home.’
‘You didn’t care about that when you were shouting about traps,’ said Peter reproachfully, as he picked it up and took it outside.
I went to find Judgy, and found him sitting in Peter’s bed, as all the other bedroom doors were closed.
‘You know, Mum, a psychologist would probably have a field day with the way your dog thinks he’s a person and your children end up doing the dog’s job,’ said Peter.
‘Shhh,’ I said. ‘Don’t let Judgy hear you saying he only thinks he’s a person. He will be upset.’
Oh God. I’m sure Felicity Kendal never had these problems. But then again, she never actually went Proper Country, did she? She just stayed in Surbiton and annoyed Margot.

– Gill Sims, Why Mummy Doesn’t Give A ****

Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog