A review by ssejig
A Blunt Instrument by Georgette Heyer


Inspector Hannasyde returns again when a man is found in his study, his head bashed in by some sort of blunt instrument. There are many suspects including the man's neighbor, his nephew, and a man the police call X.
Ernest Fletcher was not a nice man. He was holding his neighbor, Helen North's, IOUs over her head. He has a rotating stable of women. Other than that, he seems to have been at least respected.
There are some great characters including Helen's mysterious husband, her mystery writer sister Sally, and Ernest's nephew, Neville. The last seems to a frippery, but he has some hidden depths and also delivers the best proposal ever when asked if he's still at large, "Oh, I'm practically cleared! I say, will you come to Bulgaria with me?" And the woman understands him right away. There are also the indomitable Sergeant Hemingway and the first constable on the scene, a rather dour, scripture quoting man named Glass.
With a cast of characters like this, how can you not enjoy this book?