A review by morganthebee
Coffee, Tea, or Me by Sarah McKnight


Coffee, Tea, or Me is a cute, NA book about college student Sasha, who works at a coffee shop and has been crushing on Jade, a fellow student and regular at the shop. When Jade applies for and lands a job at the coffee shop, it throws Sasha for a loop. She’s closed herself off after a bad relationship left her feeling insecure and emotionally raw, but she just can’t help herself. 

I found Sasha to be a really interesting character, and Jade was so sweet and supportive. I’m a big fan of respecting boundaries, and Jade does a great job of this. I do think that as the book got closer to the end and Sasha opened up the story got a bit more telling instead of showing than I would have liked, but overall it was a really enjoyable book and I’d definitely recommend it if you’re into sapphic NA. 

I received a free ARC from BookSirens, but my review is unbiased and left voluntarily.