A review by racheln23
Lost in Babylon by Peter Lerangis


I was definitely disappointed with the second installment of this series. I would have liked to have seen some more fantastical elements.

I disliked the way that Daria’s language acquisition was explained. Even as an evolved person, it just wasn’t believable. What if the characters encounter other ancient people at some time in the next few books? Maybe there should have been a language key - like a magical Rosetta Stone. I think it would have been more plausible to explain Daria’s language with adding a little more magic... something like if she touched someone’s forehead or lips, their language understanding (or vocabulary) was transferred to her... it’s plausible to think a select can quickly understand grammatical structure of a language but not that she can acquire so much vocabulary.

Another thing I disliked was that the split in time part was a little confusing. Were we in the real ancient babylon but time moved differently? Were we in an alternate ancient babylon? The author didn’t seem too concerned about leaving footprints in the past (if indeed it was the past), something which made it all a bit confusing. Of course, I imagine kids who are reading these books take the info at face value and don’t think too deeply. But to satisfy a curious parent, the author should have been a little more prepared with explanations.