A review by catiandrah
The Chocolate Box: a Hercule Poirot Short Story by Agatha Christie



My ranking criteria (✅= Yes, ❌= No, ➖= Kind of/a little bit):

*Bonus points if I can't put the book down, it makes me feel strong emotion, or genuinely surprises me in some way.
*Penalty points for editing errors (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.), for children who act too mature or too young for their age (this is a bugbear of mine), or if there is something in the book that just really pisses me off for any reason.

1. I was sucked into the story from the beginning ➖
2. The story had a proper beginning, middle, and end ✅
3. The writing evoked a feeling of suspense ❌
4. I was engaged the whole way through/didn't get bored ➖
5. The characters were interesting ➖
6. There was some form of character development ➖
7. The book wasn't predictable in terms of relying on tired tropes, clichés, themes, stereotypes, etc. ➖
8. I cared about the outcome of the story ❌
9. I didn't work out the ending/the ending surprised me ➖
10. The ending was satisfying ➖