A review by gemloukay
The Saturday Night Sauvignon Sisterhood by Gill Sims


As a big fan of Gill Sims "Why Mummy..." series, I was eager to read this one and although its still got the same elements of humour that I suspect only a mum in the UK will completely understand, it is a deviation from the series.

In this book Claire is mum who quite early on discovers that her husband is having an affair and goes on a journey to rediscover herself, picking up a few friends in need of discovering themselves along the way. It has the usual self-deprecating humour and the 'I love my kids but they still drive me insane' qualities alongside the playground yummy mummies, the PTA and the husband that doesn't really see her. This book, however, deals with a cheating husband, loss and grief.

I give it 4/5 as I felt that we spent a long time in the book before the Saturday Night Sauvignon Sisterhood is formed and I'd liked to have discovered more about the other women, as well as Claire's new man. An enjoyable read though, but be prepared for a few potential triggers relating to cheating partners and unexpected death.

Thanks to Netgalley and Harper Collins for a free copy in return for an honest review.