A review by timinbc
White Trash Warlock by David R. Slayton

Meh. Adam was a good setup but not a very interesting character. He just becomes the guy who always goes straight forward, springing all the traps.

Vic just a generic hunk right out of the Stephanie Plum series.
Bobby's a generic dick brother.

The elves were done within the standard expectations of elves, and the three main ons fit together well. but the other supernaturals were right out of Ghostbusters. And ya can't mess with Death like that, not with anyone who's read Pratchett & Gaiman.

Then there's the low-temperature gay romance. Compulsory in modern publishing, and I'm OK with that, but here it takes up too much of the space and doesn't add to the plot.

Then at the end there's a whirlwind of who-done-what-to-whom-and-why and it's over. Not satisfying.