A review by cybergoths
A Field Guide to Hot Springs Island by Jacob Hurst


This is a settings free sourcebook (the companion to 'The Dark of Hot Springs Island') aimed for use by players and games masters in a fantasy roleplaying campaign set on the high seas. The book is effectively one large handout; the conceit is that it's a guide published by the company that is exploiting the Islands. There are lots of ideas and vagueness here that are great for a GM and give the players plenty to explore. You could use it with any fantasy based roleplaying system; D&D or Savage Worlds spring to mind, but FATE, Wordplay and others would also work well.

The physical book is high quality and absolutely gorgeous. There are a limited number of copies available; if you are in the UK, the postage is presently not that painful as GamesQuest have it for distribution. Lovely.