A review by magencorrie
One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker


*received from NetGalley*

4.5 stars!

My Thoughts

Okay, I just love this series. I love K. A. Tucker! Love , love, love! Lots of love here people! If you haven’t read the first book in the series you need too! And if you haven’t gotten to One Tiny Lie, you are missing out on a great story!

One Tiny Lie was such a beautifully told story with a great pace, a wonderful plot build up, and heartwarming character growth. Livie’s story was beautiful, and I am so glad to have experienced it. The writing style sucked me in, and the characters brought this story life.

Livie, Kacey’s younger sister, is finally on her own, and doing what she thinks she wants to do. But being who she is, a very shy, naïve person, she really faces some challenges when she goes off to college and catches the attention of not one but two guys. This really sets up for an emotional read about personal growth, learning who you are, and for standing up for yourself and for others.

Livie is a great character. She really was. Being able to finally get her story, to understand her more added a great depth to the world K.A. Tucker has created. Like Kacey, Livie has also suffered from the events that have happened in the past few years, though she has suffered quite differently than Kacey. What I loved most about Livie is how she overcomes the problems she is face with. This allows her to really become a strong character. Though she is a shy individual and very innocent, I really did adore her. And the character transformation she goes through was very emotional and wonderful to witness.

Now, let’s talk some Ashton. I adored this guy. Yes, he kind of enters the book with a sexy scene and of course he has some problems of his own. But I really enjoyed the emotional depth of his character. Though he does come off as a butthead in the book (which made me want to shake him a few times), he really is a great character. What I loved about him is, he too, over comes some very personal demons and emotional scars. When he enters Livie’s life, he challenges her and makes her question her life and her decision, they both challenge each other. I love when characters challenge each other! Ashton’s character really draws you in. And just like Livie, I loved watching Ashton’s character transformation.

Oh, the dreaded love triangle! Connor is the guy that brings this little twist into the equation. Yes, I hate love triangles, but it wasn’t that bad in this book. It was done well, and felt believable. The author allowed me to see and understand why this love triangle was taking place. Connor comes into Livie’s life when she is very confused, and he is what she thinks she wants. Though Connor wasn’t my favorite, he was still a sweet guy and I do hate what he went through. But he definitely added a great twist to the story.

There are quite a few characters in this book, some new ones I really liked and of course some old faces make an appearance! I loved that Kacey, Trent, Storm and the rest of the cast showed their faces! It was awesome! I adore these characters, so to see them again was really heartwarming!

The best thing about this series is the character development the characters go through. The author really challenges them, tests them, and sets them up to encounter many obstacles. It is wonderful to read and experience the growth of both Livie and Ashton. It made me love their characters that much more.

One Tiny Lie was a great addition to this really amazing series. I am so glad I got Livie’s story, to see and understand her character. I definitely recommend this one for those who love a contemporary read that is not only about romance, but self-discovery, true friendship, hope, and love.