A review by kp_hobbitreads
Moth by Lily Mayne


#1 Soul Eater: ★★★★★ | 5 stars
#2 Edin: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars
#3 The Rycke: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars
#3.5 Wyn: ★★★★✮ | 4.5 stars
#4 Gloam: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars
#5 Moth: ★★★★★ | 5 stars

I was a little hesitant about Moth (both the book and the character) because of his past history with Ghost and because I don't typically like books where one MC is still pining over someone else. But, this exceeded all of my expectations and then some. I absolutely loved everything about this.

When Charlie, Hunter, and Edin arrive at the raider camp to deliver a message from Cat they don't plan to stick around. However, Charlie quickly finds himself agreeing to go on a trip to try to free Cat from the prison. But, he's not going alone. He's adventure partner is Moth: half-human, half-monster, all snark. He doesn't seem to like Charlie much, and in fact seems to be bitter that he's coming along at all. But, the further they travel and the more they get to know each other, their respective walls come down. And they both learn that the feeling of belonging they are searching for might just be right in front of them.

Moth is an adorable ball of venom and sass who absolutely deserves the world. And, Charlie is determined to give it to him. I loved watching these two learn about each other and slowly fall in love. Even if I did think the pining was actually going to kill me sometimes. Moth's backstory was heartbreaking and every chapter from his POV made me want to wrap him in a blanket and squeeze the stuffing out of him, but it made the climax of this story even more satisfying. I love how well balanced both the romance and the plot were in this. Even though this is the longest book in the series thus far, I wasn't bored for a single second. I had to keep going to find out what was going to happen next. And, by the end of the book when we got the big love declaration it absolutely felt earned.

Three Thoughts:
1. The banter. The pining. The spice. All of it was just *chef's kiss*.
2. Samson was so kind. I hope when get to find out what happens to him (and maybe get him a monster of his very own?)
3. Chuck. (Do I even need to say more?)

I honestly didn't think I could love a book/couple as much as I love Danny & Wyn, but these two idiots are officially tied with them in my regard. And, this series is now an all-time favorite.

content warnings: captivity/enslavement, child abandonment (in the past), violence, gore, death, sex (on page), cannibalism, parental abuse, slurs related to being part-human, part-monster, cult/cult members