A review by blurrypetals
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa


The entire time I was reading this book, I was waiting for it to get really awesome really fast but, as the hours dwindled down on the audiobook, I came to accept that it wasn't going to get very awesome at all, and it definitely wasn't going to get there quickly.

I got this because it was free with the Audible Romance package I got a free month of, so I was expecting some fun YA paranormal romance...and instead I got this. Maybe I just don't care for guys named Ash lately (see: my opinion on Ashtaroth from The Steel & Stone Series and The Spell Weaver Trilogy by Annette Marie) but Ash here was so dull. Robin/Puck was far more interesting and had way more chemistry with Meg, so I was a little disappointed when he was shoved off to the sidelines for most of the book.

It's entirely possible that I'll come back to the series one day, but there are many many many better options for me to spend my time on, even when it comes to the Audible Romance section so, until I a possible but not probable next time, I'm gonna call this one done.