A review by andrael
Sakuran by Moyoco Anno

The art is cool and stylish and gorgeous to look at, but... I had a really hard time telling the characters apart. This, combined with a sometimes non-linear storytelling style, made for a difficult reading experience. At least, I think it was non-linear? It started out with the protagonist as an adult and then flashed back to her as a kid to show how she got there, but every now and then there seemed to be scenes with her as an adult again?? Or maybe it was actually a different character??? I don't know!!!! I told you, it was very confusing. What little I could make out of the story seemed like kind of a downer.

In summary: If you want to be confused and depressed while admiring everyone's clothing patterns and hairstyles, read Ooku: The Inner Chambers. But there haven't been any new volumes of Ooku in a while, so read this instead. Just adjust your expectations.