A review by verkisto
The Shattered Peace by Jude Watson


The Shattered Peace takes us to a new location, the planet Rutan and its moon, Senali, which has its own race of people. Having been at war for a long time in the past, a peace was established by trading heirs between the planets, the idea being that the ruler of one civilization won't destroy the other because their child is there. The problem arises when the heir of one family doesn't want to return to his home planet, as his loyalties have divided.

This book is a standalone book, with few references to previous events in the series. The previous arc, with Xanatos, has concluded, so Watson may be gearing up to create a second arc. The initial books in the entire series also felt slightly disconnected until Watson's ideas gelled together into a cohesive arc, so I expect that will be the case with this second half of the series.

The book is still good, touching on themes of family, loyalty, and responsibility, with Qui-Gon being the voice of reason regarding both sides of the argument. Watson looks at family ties that are non-traditional, but still manages to examine both sides of the issue. I think it resonates well, and would be effective with its target audience. As is typical with the books in this series so far, the story is simplified, but not simple, and the reader will identify with Leed, who is torn between the family to which he belongs, and the family to which he feels like he belongs. Overall, it's an effective story with something important to say.