A review by jaclynder
The Arrangement by Sylvia Day, Minerva Spencer, Kristin Vayden


I was interested in this collection of novellas solely because of Minerva Spencer - I recently discovered and adored Scandalous (it was over-the-top in a good way). I'm also a big fan of the marriage of convenience trope, so what could go wrong?

Well...this one totally missed the mark for me. While I know that Day's novella was originally published in 2007, the other two also felt so, so dated to me. Over the years that I've been reading historical romances the genre has changed a lot to reflect how the world has changed (feminism and consent being the two big ones) and I personally felt that these novellas completely disregarded the fact that audiences have changed (or at least I have?). At any rate, I didn't feel that any of these novellas were developed enough to warrant the dated, domineering and controlling hero. Perhaps with a longer page count and better character exploration I could have gotten behind these romances, but as it stands, this collection was a disappointment to me.

*Review copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.