A review by carolpk
Books to Die For by John Connolly, Declan Burke


Books to Die For is like an appetizer what with its recommendations of the greatest mystery stories by the authors who are currently writing in this genre. These essays will stimulate your appetite for more.

This is a book to own. I call it a dipping book, dip in and out and find something new with each reading. I could not possibly read all the wonderful books suggested but have chosen one or two to add to the pile. Edmund Crispin's (1946) The Moving Toyshop enthusiastically presented
by Ruth Dudley Edwards caught my eye. Crispin loved locked room mysteries as do I. Ms. Edwards goes on to state that "it is not for his plots that I love Crispin, but for the wit, intelligence, gaiety, and decency that informed his writing." Early in the essay she mentions that she
dislikes the snobbery of those who think a book is diminished if it makes you laugh. These two thoughts; decency in writing and the ability to make one laugh, make me curious to read this fellow whose real name is Bruce

Though I love to hold the hard copy of a book in my hands Books to Die For is the perfect book to add to my Nook. I can easily pepper it with bookmarks, highlight titles and search for author recommendations using the Nook’s tools.

Surely there will be an outcry for the books that are missed but overall Books to Die For is a treasure trove for mystery readers.