A review by melissaverasreads
You Know Me Well by David Levithan, Nina LaCour


3.5 stars.

First I was excited about this book. I've enjoyed all the David Levithan's books I've read so far, so why this one would be any different? But then, I read a Nina LaCour's book and did not particularly enjoyed it, and I started to see bad reviews about this one, and I was nervous! So I let it sit on my shelf and move on to other books.

Well, now that I finally read it, I'm glad to say that I did like it! It wasn't mind blowing, and I did get frustrated with a few things happening here, but overall I enjoyed it. We see both Mark and Kate evolving and dealing with relationship and friendship problems that were interesting to read.

It's a short, enjoyable (at least for me) read, but nothing mind blowing.