A review by book_concierge
Be Frank with Me by Julia Claiborne Johnson


Digital audiobook performed by Tavia Gilbert.

M.M. “Mimi” Banning is a reclusive literary genius (and one-hit wonder) who has fallen prey to a Ponzi scheme and is flat broke. In order to keep her Bel Air mansion, she must now produce a new book. She reluctantly agrees to her publisher’s offer of an assistant, with stipulation: “No Ivy Leaguers or English majors. Must drive, cook, tidy. Computer whiz. Good with kids. Quiet, discreet, sane.” But when Alice Whitley arrives she’s put to work immediately as a companion / nanny to Frank, Banning’s 9-year-old son, a devotee of 1930s movies (with a wardrobe to match).

This is a delightful, engaging novel. The characters are complex and the author deftly handles the difficulties of dealing with such an unusual situation. To say that Alice has her hands full is an understatement. She almost never has a chance to interact with Mimi, whose assistant she is supposed to be, because Mimi locks herself away in her study “writing” while Alice is left to care for Frank.

Frank is a challenge – to say the least. Although no diagnosis is ever given, it seems clear that he is on the autism spectrum. He’s highly intelligent, but unable to understand other’s behavior. His chief coping mechanism is to lie down stiff as a board. He is very literal as well, so jokes and word play elude him. He’s also a pretty talented detective and thief. Frank is the catalyst for the book’s most hilarious … and heartbreaking … moments.

Rounding out the cast are Mr Vargas, Mimi’s publisher and Alice’s boss (and all-around good guy); Paula, the secretary at Frank’s school (and a person Frank can truly rely upon); and the mysteriously elusive Xander, Frank’s piano teacher and all-around handy-man, who comes and goes seemingly on a whim.

I thought this was headed for a Hollywood ending … but Johnson surprised me. I’m glad. I love it when a book leaves me wanting more. I can hardly wait to read what she writes next.

Tavia Gilbert does a superb job narrating the audiobook. Her voice for Frank is particularly effective. Brava!