A review by jillie
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
DNF @ 25%

Well, I’m definitely in the minority on this one. I’m incredibly bored, and the misogyny and male egos don’t help. I know, it takes place in a different time and culture. But I’m not enjoying it and don’t want to force myself to continue. I do think his writing and the translation are great, and I was very interested when the story started. However, it took a turn and became a drudge for me to pick up and keep reading. I also thought a lot of the characters sounded alike, and we would get info dumps from them when it didn’t make sense for them to know everything they’re telling the MC. I really wanted to continue because of all the glowing reviews.. but I just don't think it’s clicking for me. 

(If you’re still wondering how I could DNF this, at the beginning of the year I decided to be even more proactive about DNFing than I normally am. At a quarter into this book, I realized that if I’m not “getting it” now, I probably never will. No shade to this book or anyone who loves it, it just isn’t for me. I’ve had a mostly great reading year so far by doing this).

5/14/22 - 5/16/22