A review by lines__lines
Oak King Holly King by Sebastian Nothwell


This has a sweet relationship and a good fae world. I felt like the side characters' plots didn't get as much attention or final wrap-up as I would have liked, but the main story of Wren & Shrike is nicely done. I don't think this book was breaking any new ground in queer romance, but it's a solid entry. The quiet domestic scenes and the fae markets and festivals were my favorite parts. This book has a lot of plot threads overlapping and I think the lack of wrap-up for some of the side characters shows that this could have been perhaps split up into more than one book, with some different POV characters, or trimmed down a bit so the end didn't feel so rushed. I realize there's some short stories in a "sequel" to address the side characters, but I would have liked to see more from some of them in this book!

