A review by ubalstecha
The Popularity Papers: Book Four: The Rocky Road Trip of Lydia Goldblatt & Julie Graham-Chang by Amy Ignatow


Julie and Lydia are back! In this volume Julie's dads take the girls on a cross country roadtrip as part of their summer vacation. Along the way, there are visits with both girls' families. Both girls learn that families can be complicated, with both finding members of their family who don't accept them for who they are. They also find that the family you choose and/or make is sometimes better than anything you could imagine.

Author Ignatow has produced her best work with this volume of Lydia and Julie's adventures. Lydia's distant and unaccepting father is contrasted with both of Julie's loving fathers. Julie's grandparents, who never accepted that their son is gay, married and adopted a daughter are compared to her other grandparents who embrace the life their son has made for themselves. The girls' relationship with each other is strengthened through the trip. We also see Lydia's relationship with her sister Melody strengthen through the emails the two girls exchange. And all of this is captured in the diary/notebook/graphic novel style that helps to make this series so endearing.

Go get this. Heck get the whole series.