A review by 0100
White Oleander by Janet Fitch


This book didn't astound me but i think i liked it? jury is still out. i got really bored at the 2/3rds mark when astrid moved in with rena, but i liked yvonne and niki a lot. between this and godshot by chelsea bieker i'm realizing i don't like books about womanhood or motherhood, but the selling point for me of white oleander is that it isn't solely that if that makes sense? it's a child and a parent, not just a daughter and a mother. of course both these things are heavily intertwined but idk. i learned by listening to parts of this book while driving that i don't like audiobooks (i read most of it on kindle though). i didn't like the sudden jump from the conversation with ingrid to living with paul in germany, it threw me off and was kind of off putting