A review by disunodagr3at
Born of Legend by Sherrilyn Kenyon


If you haven’t read the Dark hunter series and are planning to... congrats you just basically read one of the books.
Styxx’s book to be precise.
It’s obviously not identical but they are so similar in the way that it’s really easy to make that connection between the two books, even more so when it’s the same author that’s written.

The only differences that I could tell are that instead of being identical they’re fraternal twins but Nykyrian has “deformed” human eyes (hmmmm I wonder who else has defo—Acheron. It’s Ash if you’ve read any of the D-h series you’ll know this) which are still beautiful btw an have more heightened senses (hearing, eyes, smell etc.), it’s set in a future-esque sci-fi environment. Instead of Gods and Nymphs we got Aliens with God-like powers.
And that’s it for differences.
Now for the similarities:
- Tall, skin color and Handsome? Check
- is banned from society/tortured within an inch of their lives for being different or not meeting expectations? Check
- is depicted as a bad guy because of the actual bad guys? Check
- have to save their SO at some point one way or another? Check
- end up stinking rich by the end of the book and have a lot of kids? I rest my case. I mean I could go on but I won’t.
While yes, I did feel bad for him here and there by what his bitch grandmother did I can’t say I had the strong emotions that I might’ve had, had I not read Styxx’s book first. I did like the book mind you and I would mind re-reading it and you can still read it and enjoy it well enough by it’s own, just know that this book has a twin in an alternative Universe ;)