A review by galaxies
Brooklyn, Burning by Steve Brezenoff


When I started reading Brooklyn, Burning I was really excited for it, because of the wonderful reviews it has received but at the same time I tried to keep my expectations low. With hype you always have to expect something not to live up to it.

Brooklyn, Burning didn't live up to my expectations. It is not a bad book. The writing is alright and I can appreciate how the Brezenoff never slipped in not revealing the gender of the main character. At the same time I found not knowing very frustrating and it makes it very hard to write a review and talk about Kid.

I couldn't connect with Kid which may be due to the writing style. Not my cup of tea. Kid's expectations on Fish's help struck me as odd that Kid would expect her to put herself on the line for a person she doesn't really know. And then Kid really gets her in trouble. I understand that Kid had a troubled life and still continues to do so but that doesn't make it any more okay and was one of the main reasons why I didn't like Kid.

The story centers around music and while I can appreciate music I've never felt a deep connection with it and all the main characters have a deep love for music. Which is why I found it even harder to connect with the book.

If you are a lover of music and don't mind the ambiguity of the main character then this book might be for you.

Disclaimer: An ARC has been provided by Netgalley and the publisher for reviewing purposes.