A review by sarahanne8382
As You Desire by Connie Brockway


This is a solid historical taking place in late 1800s Egypt amid a crowd of crazed Egyptologists. Desdemona Carlisle is tired of living a singular life as the prodigy granddaughter of an impoverished Egyptologist who contributes to their meager household by translating works for everyone about town. She thinks that being swept away by an English lord for the normalcy of her home country is just what she needs. On the other hand, Harry Braxton is done with England forever after his childhood spent as the family idiot. He's proud of the life he's carved for himself in Egypt and never wants to leave, that is, as long as Desdemona is there to share it with him. The only trouble is, he's done everything he could think of to turn her away from him for the last five years because he's sure that as soon as she knows his secret, she won't want anything to do with him.

My real problem is that I vaguely remember having this recommended to me a few years ago as THE BEST ROMANCE EVER, and after crying over Gone With the Wind I needed to read a love-hate relationship that ended happily. This book could not measure up to those impossible expectations, which is why I gave it 3 stars instead of the 4 it probably deserves (I did finish it over the course of a long weekend, afterall).