A review by curlyheadedone
Everything Within and In Between by Nikki Barthelmess


For as long as Ri remembers her grandma never wanted to talk about her Mexican heritage. She was always told that they live in America and that was all that matters. Another thing Ri could never understand was why her mom left and why Grandma never wanted to talk about it. After Ri finds a letter from her Mom, she becomes determined to get in contact with her and learn about her heritage that he grandma has been hiding for so long.

The story is very much about discovering oneself and acceptance. I loved the characters in this book and the relationships/friendships were very sweet. There are some difficult topics in this book but the author handles them extremely well. This book was such a great read and I highly recommend it!

Thank you to Harper Teen for sending me a copy of this book!

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*