A review by piepieb
Manderley Forever by Tatiana de Rosnay


This book was excellent. I didn't rush through it, but took my time and savored every memory. I loved how de Rosnay tried to follow in the footsteps of the legendary Daphne du Maurier, to visit places she'd been, to see what she'd seen. I loved how this biography read like a novel, everything in the past tense, and how characters came alive and how they seemed like people you would love to get to know. I enjoyed seeing Daphne get ideas for her stories, put them to paper, and then subsequently see them published and receive reviews. I recently read My Cousin Rachel for the first time, but Rebecca, with its unnamed narrator, is still far and away my favorite. Du Maurier seems to have never understood why Rebecca received such fame.

Dame Daphne du Maurier, Lady Browning, is definitely an intriguing character. Private, mysterious, a dog lover, maybe a little rough around the edges, I can't help feeling that we would like each other if we were to have met in each other's lifetimes. She met several famous and well-known people, including Princess Elizabeth (now Queen Elizabeth II) and Prince Philip, and must have had so many stories to share. Additionally, I'm quite sure that Daphne took some secrets to her grave...

I learned so much through this book's pages, and it's definitely something I will keep. Highly recommended.