A review by thematinee
I'm With The Band: Confessions Of A Groupie by Pamela Des Barres


"The hazards of loving these fools and the music they made were numerous and agonizing..."

ALMOST FAMOUS from Penny Lane's perspective.

I've never read someone's diary...even when I've been left alone in the room with it and had a few hours to kill. Reading this book, I realize why. There's something about diary entries that feel too intimate...too vulnerable...even though they are written with the understanding that they might someday be read by someone other than the author. Reading the words Pamela wrote in her younger years feels like I'm seeing something I'm not supposed to see.

Enjoyed reading it even if it isn't tremendously well-written. This woman clearly *loved* rock & roll, as evidenced from the way she effortlessly winks at a classic song, or tells you how a chord change made her heart swell. Feelings swung back and forth between amused and saddened while reading these confessions. Amused by the moments of rock stars acting domestic and even banal, saddened by how hard Pam loved them, and how long she had to look for reciprocation. But that's the thing - she wasn't there to be noticed, or to feign being extra special. She was there for love, which makes this a happy tale.

Since, as she says in her afterword:

"Lo, these many years later, I am still a lover of rock & roll. Always and forever"