A review by katleap
Mer-Charmer by Amy Bearce


4 stars

I received an e-ARC copy of Mer-Charmer from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

It has been four years since Sierra rescued Phoebe from Bentwood and brought magic back to its true use. Phoebe is still terrified of all she endured in her captivity but the ocean, and her mer friends, bring her peace. She also really wants to fit into Sierra’s world and have magic so she can help her sister. When Phoebe finds a merfolk corpse that has been strangely killed she finds herself thrust into all the magic and adventure she could want.

I liked Mer-Charmer more then The Fairy Keeper. I feel like this book is more fleshed out and the writing is better. Sierra, while a strong willed tough character, can be a bit overbearing. Phoebe was an interesting character. She is shy but wants to help her friends and her sister. She worries about if she’s doing the right thing and when her magic comes out she is conflicted about if its influencing her friends.

I liked seeing Phoebe with Tristan and Mina. It was nice to see how close the three of them were and how they trusted each other. I did really like seeing their friendship and I felt that the romance came across as real and natural. I enjoyed how Tristan and Phoebe tried to hide their feelings for one another but not because of rejection but because they were shy. It was super cute. Mina was fun and a good secondary character.

The fact that the merfolk didn’t just accept Phoebe and what she could do was really accurate. I did feel that their attitudes made sense and I wouldn’t have liked the book so much if everything had just come easy to Phoebe. I liked the history of the merfolk and the city of Lyr. I wanted to know more about mer-tears and the mystery surrounding them.

I thought that the descriptions in the book worked really well and I was drawn really easily into the world. This underwater world has so much to explore and the visuals were easy to see. It was good to see the other creatures that made the ocean their home, the predators and peaceful ones alike. I also really appreciated that just because something was predator didn’t make it evil.

The only thing that I really missed in this book is what is going on with Sierra and company. Its been four years but what exactly has happened in that time period. We didn’t get any aftermath from the destruction at the end of Fairy Keeper so I did miss that.

Overall a good book. I want to read the next one.