A review by romancejunkie1025
Can't Buy Me Love by Molly O'Keefe

Did not finish book.
I wanted to like this story, really I did, but the story kept getting in the way of me liking it. The premise could have been so interesting and at first the characters were promising, but as the story progressed I found myself unable to enjoy the plot or the characters enough to focus. None of the characters has that little something extra that made reading them worth my time. Luc was a little too self-centered and ego driven for my tastes and Tara Jean was just confusing as hell. One minute she has promising qualities and then the next she was trying to make herself seem like a hard ass. Even if she has good reason to be resistant she needed a bit more humanity for me to like her. And the secondary characters were terrible. The only person I really liked was the little boy and he had hardly any book time.
So instead of forcing myself to keep reading when I’m fighting to stay awake from the books effects on my brain. Not sure if I’ll keep trying this series but we'll see.