A review by anaelwynn
The Wishing World by Todd Fahnestock


I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

The beginning of the book wasn’t the best. I felt really confused as to what was happening and how exactly the Wishing World worked. I was as confused as the main character. (Which I, in some cases, enjoy but this time I didn’t.) It just didn’t seem like everything was connecting as it should. But as the story continued, things got a lot more clearer and I began to enjoy the book a lot more. I found the whole world very fascinating and the adventure was a lot of fun to read about. I enjoyed learning about the magic and how everything worked. I think the world was my favourite part of the book.

The writing style was interesting, in a good way. It flowed really well and I flew through it a lot faster than I usually do. It was just easy to follow and enjoy. This writing style is not for everyone though, I can see how some people wouldn’t enjoy it. So I would recommend reading an excerpt, so that you can see if it’s to your liking.

The characters were all right. Nothing particularly outstanding or memorable. I enjoyed reading about them, but they were not my favourite. I couldn’t really relate to the main character, which I expected going into the book as she is a lot younger than I am (and very different from me). Still, I did like her, though I had some problems with her as well. (Not going into that, because it’s full of spoilers.)

I liked the world that was created in this book. The writing style was great as well, it fit the story perfectly. But I didn’t really care about the characters and I felt like the story lacked something. The beginning was confusing as well. Would I recommend this book? Yes, if it sounds like something you would enjoy! And definitely if you enjoy Middle Grade.

Originally posted on my blog, starlightkosmos