A review by hank
One Word Kill by Mark Lawrence


I feel like I am running out of words for my reviews. Reading through some of my prior ones, it seems like I use many of the same descriptions for all of them. This will be no different. Ha!

I am a huge fan of Lawrence and of course that brings expectations. This is a departure from his usual fantasy and it took me a couple of chapters to get used to it. His writing when describing an otherworldly fantasy scene can be understated and subtle which just adds mystery to a made up world. When describing an urban environment we are all somewhat familiar with it can feel flat and not descriptive enough. A couple of chapters in however and I too was in.

These are the sci-fi stories that I love. Ones that intelligently twist your mind with some foreshadowing that makes you somewhat confident you know what is going to happen but not positive and your brain keeps winding down different paths exploring what could happen.

I can't say much about the book because I feel like just about everything could be a spoiler. The characters, premise and story were all very good. The ending excellent, the middle a bit aimless and the bad guy seemed a bit cartoonish and shoved in to make a plot.

4.5 stars because I love Lawrence -.5 because IMO he his urban sci-fi needs something I can't put my finger on. Definitely going to read the next in the trilogy but I can't for the life of me figure out how the story continues.