A review by ponch22
Sandcastle by Pierre Oscar Lévy, Frederik Peeters


[b:Sandcastle|13000768|Sandcastle|Pierre Oscar Lévy|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327882275l/13000768._SX50_.jpg|18161665] is a trippy, sci-fi graphic novel that works better the less you know about it. Some nice artwork by [a:Frederik Peeters|658304|Frederik Peeters|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1241621054p2/658304.jpg] and a story from [a:Pierre Oscar Levy|5447035|Pierre Oscar Lévy|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1446474690p2/5447035.jpg] that cleverly takes its odd subject matter & inspects it from almost every possible angle.

There were two pages that confused me (even after going back and skimming through the entire story—Jose, the hotelier's son, running through a field getting shot at. It didn't seem to have any explanation–not that most of the story did, but it felt an odd diversion with no real payoff...

In my attempts to find an answer, I found out that M Night Shyamalan bought the rights to Sandcastle and his next movie appears to be an adaptation of it (or at least inspired by it), so that is a happy accident that I sort of spoiled for myself what his next movie is about.