A review by emmareese
Dial Em for Murder by Marni Bates


( 2 stars )

This book was... underwhelming. I didn't really find it as gripping as it's made out to be, but I'll admit it still had me questioning a lot of things. I was so excited for it because the build up in the first few chapters seemed great, but the rest of the story was a bit of a let down. The concept is interesting, but I didn't love it as much as I had hoped I would.

I thought the ending was rather horrible. It barely cleared up anything, and only left me with more questions. I suppose that's what mysteries are supposed to do, but nothing was resolved whatsoever. Maybe it's a set up for a sequel, and as much as I'd like one so I can find out what happens, I'm not sure if this book is successful enough for Bates to pull off a sequel.

I kind of resented Emmy. She was whiny, narrow-minded, and not at all a strong character in my opinion. The only thing I liked about her was her witty comebacks during altercations with Sebastian...I would have liked to see more development between those two as well, but alas, we can't all get what we wish for. I think Sebastian was what made me actually enjoy this book, otherwise this rating would be lower.

It was a decent book. I don't know if I'd recommend it to just anyone, but I don't completely hate it either. If there's a sequel, hopefully it will be better.