A review by chaosandbooks
The Dead Girls Club by Damien Angelica Walters


I went back and forth with this book for awhile on the rating. My gut reaction was to give it a two star rating since it left me pretty disappointed with the way it ended. After thinking about it for awhile, I changed it to a three.

The reasoning behind this is that the book did do a great job of capturing the supernatural experience it claimed in the blurb. It left me on the end of my seat, a bit paranoid, and with a racing heart the entire time.

My actual problem with the book stemmed from the plot and the ending. Some of it was just a bit far-fetched and without consequence. I don't want to spoil that aspect. Overall though, it also wrapped up fairly quickly in the epilogue as if the author just ran out of steam and tied up all the loose ends in a handful of pages.