A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Oh William! by Elizabeth Strout


Oh William! By Elizabeth Strout is the third novel in the Amgash series. I did not know Oh William! was part of a series when I started reading it. I do not know if I would have understood the story more if I had read the other two books or not. Oh William! has Lucy Barton going on a trip with ex-husband William when he discovers he has a half-sister. The story is told from Lucy Barton’s point-of-view. She is telling her tale to the readers in a diary format. The story rambled along going back in forth in time (in no certain order). The story seemed plotless and pointless. The writing is descriptive which provides many details that are not needed. There is quite a bit of repetition as well as slow pacing. I was unable to connect with the characters in the story. I wanted to like Lucy and William, but I could not. The book may be short, but it felt like it went on forever. The story consists of only two long chapters. I wanted to like Oh William!, but I could not get into this story. I was not a fan of the writing, the characters, or the dialogue. I especially did not like the way the author presented the story. I found Oh William! to be boring and a hard book to finish. While Oh William! was not for me, I suggest you obtain a sample to check it out for yourself. Lucy’s takeaway at the end is that everyone is mystery and that we do not even know ourselves.