A review by ericabo_louise
All Around the Town by Mary Higgins Clark


So I occasionally get the itch to reread a Mary Higgins Clark from my 13yo binge of reading off the paperback spinny rack at the library, and I was reading this one when the announcement came that the Queen of Suspense had died. (Which seemed like the kind of thing that happens in a Mary Higgins Clark novel, honestly.) And I can't really rate or review her books as an adult because my adult lenses are so different than how I first encountered this book when it was like HIGH DRAMA SO GOOD as a kid, because I can see where it's dated and stiff and cringey and such, but LAURIE HAD MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES! THEY CAME IN AND OUT! OF LAURIE'S BRAIN. LIKE IT WAS A PHYSICAL BUILDING. THEY TALKED TO EACH OTHER! It was fun to reread it from that POV as a kid and remember just how compulsively readable these books felt back then, like, I could not put it down. (I also remember listening to this on CD because the audiobook reader did Justin's Australian accent and it was very impressive at the time.) So this was less of a book that I read to review than a nostalgia trip through weird childhood reading phases.