A review by achavez47
DragonSeer by S. Rodman


S. Rodman is my favorite author in this genre. Usually, I'm not as big a fan of MMM books. I guess that just isn't my thing? But these three are so sweet/hot together. Usually, I'm not a big fan of dragons (I know...shocking..how can that be possible??) But I love Ri and Je and Zh in this book and the first one too. All this "Usually I'm not BUT"...stuff makes me think that when written in a fun, engaging way with great characters, a bit of angst, hots sexy times and a cool fantasy world and perhaps has I AM a fan after all. I thank Mr. Rodman for that.

Now. Who is next in the unfettered series??? I'm running out of books by you. hurry up....but not too fast. You have a standard to uphold!!