A review by poisonivy70
Last Hit: Reloaded by Jessica Clare, Jen Frederick


A novella about life after the HEA for Daisy and Nick.

The Good, The Bad and Everything In Between

-A little dorky and very dangerous: If you read the earlier Hitman book, this picks up shortly after they’ve settled into their lives together, Nick taking art classes and Daisy trying to catch up with her classes after their adventure in Russia. Loved them together, there is certainly a fair amount of nookie being had by Nick and Daisy. Nick can’t fight his hitman ways and he’s super protective of Daisy, but that’s what I love about him. He tries really hard to balance his need to protect and her need for independence. Daisy is also trying to grow and figure out her way with her loving a trained killer and interacting with normal folks. They’re both socially awkward in their own ways, and stumble more often than not navigating life, but I love how that makes them a bit more human. I really do like them together.

-Lots of sex: Nick’s worshipping of Daisy’s body works for me. Alot.

-Quick read that could standalone: It's about 130 pages or so, so it's a fairly quick read and there is enough information given that if you haven't read the earlier books, you could follow along.

-Well, it's lots of sex: it’s a novella, so I would have liked more of a focus on the story involving Daisy and her friend Christine, or more about Nick’s burgeoning friendship with the detective. But this is a minor quibble, since...well, it is hot sex and lots of it.

The Bottom Line
If you loved the series, (and Nick/Daisy), or like hitmen with a heart of gold (wrapped in barbed wire), I would definitely recommend it.

**ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review**