A review by sempiternal_books
This Is Not the Jess Show by Anna Carey


“You can only spend so long living in a world that’s not real before you start to lose something.” - Anna Carey, This Is Not The Jess Show

This Is Not The Jess Show is basically a YA twist on The Truman Show. It was a fun, fast-paced read full of 90’s nostalgia. It wasn’t an insanely earth-shatteringly good book, but it had its moments and the story was surprisingly entertaining. I just wish there was more of an in-depth talk about the society Jess finds herself in, it would have given more substance to the plot and the world. And I didn’t particularly love any of the characters. None of them really stood out to me and most had a very generic feel to them.

Supposedly this book is a thriller but, I would say it’s more of just a YA contemporary. Maybe if there was more of a threat from the infamous producers, things would feel slightly more, I dunno, thrilling? I just don’t think they create the tension intended, because they aren’t exactly threatening in any way. The stakes were just not high enough for me to feel any kind of suspense or danger.

Overall, This Is Not The Jess Show was a really fun, interesting read. There were definitely a lot of twists and I found myself quickly turning the pages to see where things were going to go. I am already looking forward to the sequel because I’m actually more invested in Jess’s story than I thought.